
AEW Wrestledream 2023 Results And Report For 01 October 2023: Highlight, Match Ratings, Winners And Losers

1 years ago By Sports Desk

All Elite Wrestling is back with another exciting pay-per-view event called WrestleDream, which took place on Sunday, October 1, 2023. This event was a new addition to AEW’s lineup of pay-per-views, and it was held at the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle at 8 pm Eastern Time. WrestleDream proved to be a night to remember, delivering on the high expectations. The event featured several championship matches and showcased some of the top talents in the AEW roster. From surprising victories to thrilling matches, WrestleDream had it all. Let’s take a closer look at the highlights, match ratings, and the winners and losers of the night.

Zero Hour: Athena, Billie Starkz, Keith Lee, & Satoshi Kojima vs. Diamante, Lee Moriarty, Mercedes Martinez, & Shane Taylor (Mixed Tag Team Match)

We kick things off with a mixed tag team match, starting with the women. The action was fast-paced, with Keith Lee making a powerful impact by powerbombing Shane Taylor. Meanwhile, Kojima and Moriarty faced off, with Kojima showing his veteran skills. Athena also shined by taking down Lee Moriarty with the O-Face move. In the end, Kojima sealed the victory with a Cozy Lariat on Lee Moriarty.

Winners: Athena, Billie Starkz, Keith Lee, & Satoshi Kojima secured the win via pinfall, thanks to Kojima’s Cozy Lariat on Lee Moriarty.

Match Ratings: B+

Zero Hour: Claudio Castagnoli w/Jon Moxley vs. Josh Barnett

Jon Moxley joined the commentary team for this highly anticipated match. The bout began with a Test of Strength between Barnett and Castagnoli, showcasing their grappling skills. Barnett applied the Cross-Arm-Breaker, but Castagnoli reached the ropes for a break. The match continued with a series of holds, counters, and strikes, highlighting their technical prowess. Castagnoli ultimately secured the victory with a Rolling Crucifix. After the match, Barnett expressed his respect for Castagnoli and their wrestling match.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli won via Pinfall.

Match Ratings: A-

Zero Hour: Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne

Nick Wayne wasted no time and dropkicked Luchasaurus right after the bell rang. Luchasaurus responded with a corner clothesline and a Release German Suplex. He continued to dominate Wayne with powerful moves and strikes. Wayne fought back with a Superkick and a Roundhouse Kick, but Luchasaurus remained resilient. In the end, Luchasaurus sealed the victory with a Lariat across the back of Wayne’s neck.

Winner: Luchasaurus emerged victorious via Pinfall.

Match Ratings: C+

Zero Hour: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn vs. TMDK (Mikey Nicholls, Shane Haste, and Bad Dude Tito)

Max Caster and Bad Dude Tito were the first to kick things off. They engaged in a collar and elbow tie-up, with Tito showcasing his strength advantage. Caster cleverly avoided a clothesline from Tito and responded with a chop. Caster then swiftly maneuvered around the ring, leaping over Tito. However, Tito countered with a shoulder tackle and tagged in Haste.

Caster exhibited his fighting spirit, executing a Back Body Drop and tagging in Billy Gunn. Billy, the seasoned veteran, acknowledged the crowd before engaging in a test of strength with Haste. Haste resorted to a kick to the gut, but Billy responded with a shoulder tackle and continued his offense. Haste tried for a hip toss, but Billy thwarted it with a bodyslam.

The action continued with Bowens joining in and performing a combination of moves. Billy executed another bodyslam, this time on Nicholls, and tagged in Bowens, setting up for a “Scissor Party in Seattle.” However, Nicholls tripped Bowens from the outside, allowing Haste to connect with a Sliding Dropkick and tag in Tito.

Tito entered the match with a Slingshot Senton, securing a two-count. He then sent Bowens into the corner and followed up with a running uppercut and a series of chops and forearms. Tito concluded his offense with an Exploder Suplex, nearly getting a three-count. He maintained control with a front face lock, and Nicholls joined him for a double team, leading to a double elbow knockdown and a two-count.

Nicholls applied a cravate while Bowens fought back with haymakers. Nicholls used a knee strike, but Bowens countered with a knife-edge chop and tagged in Billy. Billy unleashed a flurry of haymakers, clearing Haste and Nicholls out of the ring. Tito dodged Billy’s Famouser, but Billy recovered and hit Tito with it. Bowens added The Arrival, and Caster sealed the victory with The Mic Drop.

Winners: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn retained their AEW World Trios Championship with a pinfall victory.

Match Ratings: B-

AEW WrestleDream main card:

First Match: MJF(c)  vs. The Righteous for the ROH World Tag Team Championship (two-on-one handicap match)

MJF and Dutch started the match, with MJF initially attempting to bodyslam Dutch. However, MJF experienced back trouble in the process. MJF called for sportsmanship and extended a handshake, which the Dutch accepted. MJF then resorted to a Greco-Roman eye poke to gain the upper hand.

MJF applied a side headlock, but Dutch countered with a whip across the ring. MJF evaded Dutch’s clotheslines with a duck and showcased his confidence. Still, Dutch countered with a clothesline, and The Righteous took advantage of the situation, ganging up on MJF. Vincent was tagged in and delivered a knee lift, while Dutch followed up with a Ripcord Lariat. Vincent then executed a basement flatliner for a near fall. Vincent mocked Adam Cole and tagged Dutch back in, who stomped on MJF’s chest and applied a cravate, transitioning into a sleeper hold.

MJF fought back with elbow strikes and punches. As MJF tried to escape The Righteous’ corner, Dutch attempted a Bodyslam, but MJF cleverly reversed it into a pin attempt. Dutch tagged in Vincent, who powerbombed MJF and executed a Swanton Bomb for a two-count. Vincent tagged Dutch back in, and Dutch delivered a Bossman Slam for another near fall, followed by an assisted bulldog.

Dutch introduced a steel chair, but MJF countered with a groin claw, and the referee intervened. MJF then rolled Vincent for a two-count and delivered a Pump Kick. Vincent went for another Swanton Bomb, but MJF avoided it. MJF tagged himself back in and unleashed a combination of clotheslines and forearms, followed by a bodyslam.

MJF continued his assault with relentless strikes and a corner mount. He resorted to biting Vincent’s forehead, adding to the viciousness of his attack. MJF slammed Dutch’s head into Vincent, executed a Kangaroo Kick, and finally hit The Heat Seeker to secure the victory.

Winner: MJF successfully retained the ROH World Tag Team Championship via pinfall.

Match Ratings: A-

Second Match: Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata for both the ROH World Championship and the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship

They started with a Collar and Elbow tie-up, and Kingston began with a quick flurry of punches. Kingston then kicked Shibata in the gut. Shibata responded with a snap mare takeover and kicked Kingston in the back. Kingston sat down on the canvas, and Shibata lit up Kingston’s chest with some hard strikes. Shibata delivered a Mid-Kick and applied a short-arm scissors hold, but Kingston managed to put his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. 

Shibata continued his attack by stomping on Kingston’s chest, and they exchanged standing switches. Shibata applied a Knee Bar, transitioning into an Ankle Lock and then a Figure Four Leg Lock. Kingston crawled towards the ropes to force a break. Shibata grapevined Kingston’s legs and applied The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Kingston managed to escape with a Saito Suplex.

Kingston fought back with a corner clothesline and a series of Machine Gun Chops, but Shibata reversed an Irish whip and delivered a Running Boot. Shibata rained down forearm shivers in the corner, followed by a Dropkick and a Half Hatch Suplex for a two-count. Shibata challenged Kingston to bring it and unleashed Kawada Kicks, but Kingston responded with knife-edge chops.

They exchanged Running Boots and Short-Arm Lariats, with Kingston finally hitting an Exploder Suplex. Shibata countered with a Back Heel Trip and maintained wrist control. Shibata delivered clubbing chest kicks, ducked a clothesline from Kingston, and slapped Kingston in the chest. Shibata applied The Cobra Twist, transitioning into a Grounding Octopus Stretch, but Kingston refused to give up.

Shibata threw haymakers at Kingston, and they engaged in a Back Fist Exchange. Shibata then hit Kingston with The PK. They continued with a Chop/Forearm Exchange, and Kingston managed to land a Spinning Back Fist for a one-count. Kingston followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb for a two-count. Kingston delivered another Spinning Back Fist and finished Shibata off with a PowerBomb to secure the victory. After the match, Kingston and Shibata shared a respectful embrace in the center of the ring.

Winner: Eddie Kingston, who retained both the ROH World Championship and the NJPW STRONG Openweight Championship via pinfall.

Match Ratings: B+

Third Match: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart (with Brody King at ringside) For the AEW TBS Championship

The match started with a Collar and Elbow tie-up, with Statlander backing Hart into the turnbuckles. Statlander then executed a deep arm drag and drove Hart back-first into the turnbuckles. Statlander followed up with clubbing shoulder blocks and forearm shivers. Hart managed to avoid a Running Knee Strike and hit Statlander with a SuperKick.

Statlander came back with two shoulder tackles for a two-count. Hart grabbed Statlander’s left leg and rained down strikes. Hart rolled Statlander over for a two-count, delivered a Roundhouse Kick, and scored an elbow knockdown. Statlander put Hart on her shoulders, but Hart countered with a Headscissors Takeover.

Statlander caught Hart in mid-air with a Vertical Suplex. Hart pulled Statlander off the ring apron, distracting her. Hart then repeatedly whipped Statlander into the ringside barricades, rolled her back into the ring, and hooked the outside leg for a two-count. Hart continued to attack Statlander, driving her knee into Statlander’s ribs and hitting a Back Senton Splash for a two-count.

Statlander and Hart traded shots, with Hart driving her knee into Statlander’s midsection and applying The Cobra Twist. Statlander countered with a Hip Toss and a palm strike. They exchanged forearms, with Hart delivering her combination offense.

Statlander retaliated with a Powerslam, Running Uppercut, and Running Knee Strike, followed by The Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count. Hart blocked The Sunday Night Fever and dodged The Discus Lariat. Brody King continued to interfere at ringside.

Hart attempted to use mist, but Statlander countered with a straight right hand. Statlander then hit a Half Nelson Driver for a two-count. Statlander followed up with a Deadlift German Suplex, dragging Hart to the corner. Statlander ascended to the top turnbuckle, and after a Second Forearm Exchange, Hart executed a Desperation Belly to Belly Suplex.

Hart used her feet to create separation and landed The MoonSault for a two-count. Hart then applied The Hartless Lock. However, Statlander countered with The Tombstone PileDriver and sealed the victory with The Sunday Night Fever, retaining her AEW TBS Championship via pinfall.

Winner: Kris Statlander, who retained the AEW TBS Championship.

Match Ratings: B-

Fourth Match: A Fatal Four Way contest The Young Bucks (with Brandon Cutler at ringside) vs. The Lucha Brothers (with Alex Abrahantes at ringside) vs. Orange Cassidy & HOOK vs. The Gunns [The winner of this match would earn a future opportunity for the AEW World Tag Team Championship]

The action kicked off with Nick Jackson and Fenix in the ring. They started with a Collar and Elbow tie-up, followed by some quick exchanges of Standing Switches, Overhand Chops, Forearms, and Lariats. The two teams unleashed Double SuperKicks and Double Roundhouse Kicks, but Fenix appeared to injure his left shoulder in the process.

Orange Cassidy then tagged himself into the match, engaging in a Second Forearm Exchange with Fenix. Fenix responded with a Spinning Back Kick and successfully avoided Cassidy’s signature Orange Punch. Fenix followed up with a Roundhouse Kick, and The Gunns, Colten, and Austin, took advantage by attacking Pentagon and Fenix outside the ring. Colten tagged himself in, and Cassidy rolled him over for a two-count. Cassidy evaded a clothesline from Colten and attempted a Spinning DDT, which Colten blocked before delivering a dropkick.

The Gunns, seemingly in a playful mood, cleared the ring and tried to pin each other. However, the referee intervened. The Bucks then reentered the fray, hitting a Dosey Do Routine, Stereo SuperKicks, a GutBuster/Somersault NeckBreaker combo, and an Assisted Hurricanrana. Colten tossed The Bucks over the top rope, and they responded with Stereo Enzuigiri kicks from the apron. Matt Jackson landed a PK kick on Colten. Orange Cassidy tagged in HOOK.

HOOK unleashed rapid body shots on Matt Jackson. The two engaged in a Third Forearm Exchange, and Hook ducked a clothesline from Matt, countering with a Leg Capture Suplex. He followed up with kicks, and Colten ran interference. Cassidy and Hook executed Stereo Suplexes, and Cassidy nailed a Suicide Dive. Austin attacked Hook from behind, while Pentagon delivered a flurry of kicks. Pentagon attempted his signature move, The Pentagon Driver, but Colten countered with a flying forearm smash.

Colten proceeded to stomp on Hook’s chest repeatedly and tagged in Austin. Austin landed a straight right hand and performed The Shake, Rattle, and Roll, but Hook kicked out at two. Colten reentered the match, driving his knee into Hook’s midsection and delivering a powerful haymaker for another two-count. Colten then applied a rear chin lock, but Hook fought back with forearm shivers. Austin knocked Cassidy and The Bucks off the apron wisely.

Hook tagged in Pentagon, who returned with a Flying Crossbody Block, dodging Austin’s clothesline attempt. Pentagon followed up with two SlingBlades and an Assisted DDT to Colten. He then delivered a BackStabber and two SuperKicks. Pentagon executed The Made In Japan but only managed to secure a two-count. Austin dragged Colten to their corner and tagged himself in.

Austin hit The Quick Draw, but Matt Jackson responded with a DDT. Cassidy executed a Spinning DDT of his own. Nick Jackson followed with a Slingshot X-Factor and an Apron MoonSault. Hook made a blind tag, and Pentagon applied The Redrum submission hold. Cassidy delivered The Orange Punch, and Hook locked in The Redrum submission as well. Nick tagged himself back in, hitting The 450 Splash for a near fall.

Pentagon tagged himself in, blocking The Beach Break. He retaliated with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Nick Jackson tagged himself back in, and they combined for a Double Foot Stomp/Gory Bomb/Pentagon Driver Combination. The Bucks then unleashed a SuperKick Party in Seattle, finishing with The BTE Trigger to secure the victory.

Winners: The Young Bucks emerged as the winners of this intense Fatal Four Way match, earning themselves a future opportunity for the AEW World Tag Team Championship via pinfall.

Match Ratings: B+

Fifth match, Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland (with The Mogul Embassy in Strickland’s corner)

The contest started with a Collar and Elbow tie-up, with Strickland backing Page into the ropes. The referee called for a clean break, and they engaged in a strong lockup. Strickland took control with a side headlock, but Page managed to whip him across the ring. Strickland answered with a shoulder tackle that sent Page down. Page quickly recovered and responded with a Big Boot, followed by slamming Strickland’s head onto the top turnbuckle pad.

The two wrestlers exchanged chops, and Page stomped on Strickland’s chest repeatedly. He taunted the Seattle crowd before sending Strickland into the corner. Strickland countered with a Headscissors Takeover and followed it up with a Slingshot Dropkick for a two-count. Strickland continued to maintain control by fish-hooking Page and delivering punches to his ribs. After a snap mare takeover, Strickland hit a diving uppercut across the back of Page’s neck, followed by a NeckBreaker.

They engaged in a Standing Switch Exchange, with Strickland attempting a German Suplex that Page managed to avoid by landing back on his feet. Page then kept kicking Strickland into the ropes. Strickland tried for a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker, but Page once again landed back on his feet. Page executed a Fallaway Slam and quickly followed it up with a Springboard Clothesline. Strickland avoided a Slingshot Pescado, and Page responded with an Apron PowerBomb, powerbombing Strickland into the ringside barricade. Page then performed an Orihara MoonSault and rolled Strickland back into the ring.

Page hit a Pop-Up Liger Bomb for a two-count and then followed up with a Suicide Dive. He continued his assault on Strickland’s left hand by slamming it onto the apron and sending Strickland ribs-first into the barricade. Page sent Strickland back into the ring and executed a Flying Clothesline for another two-count. They engaged in a Forearm Exchange, with Strickland countering with a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Page responded with a Deadlift German Suplex, but Strickland kicked out at two.

Strickland retaliated with a Roll Through Flatliner, and Page kicked out once more. Strickland then delivered a BrainBuster for another two-count. He ran into the corner and hit a running chop. Strickland blocked Page’s boot and executed a Modified BackBreaker. Page started bending Strickland’s fingers, but Strickland fought back with punches. Page chopped Strickland, who blocked an Avalanche Fallaway Slam. Strickland attempted the Swerve Stomp, but Page dodged it.

Page blocked the Dead Eye and sent Strickland face-first into a turnbuckle bar. Page wisely targeted Strickland’s left hand again and bit his fingers. Page then went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Strickland countered with a drop-toe hold. Strickland stomped viciously on Page’s right shoulder. Page received medical attention, but Strickland delivered the Swerve Stomp on the apron. Strickland executed the 450 Splash for a two-count.

Strickland applied the Cross-Arm-Breaker, but Page managed to reach the bottom rope for a break. Page blocked the JML Driver and rolled Strickland over for a two-count. Page then delivered a Discus Lariat. Page went for the Dead Eye, but Strickland countered with the Cross-Arm-Breaker, transitioning into a Triangle Choke. Page refused to submit and displayed his resilience.

Strickland hit a Snap German Suplex and attempted another Swerve Stomp, but Page evaded it. Page connected with the Buckshot Lariat for a two-count. However, the referee noticed Prince Nana, a member of The Mogul Embassy, putting Strickland’s foot on the bottom rope. Nana was ejected from ringside by the referee.

Page prepared for another Buckshot Lariat, but Strickland struck Page with Nana’s crown behind the referee’s back for a two-count. Strickland then delivered Two House Calls and planted Page with the JML Driver to secure the victory via pinfall.

Winner: Swerve Strickland, thanks in part to the interference from Prince Nana, and he emerged victorious over Hangman Page.

Match Ratings: A+

Sixth match: Ricky Starks vs. Wheeler Yuta (with Jon Moxley joining the commentary team for this exciting bout)

The match began with a Wrist Lock Exchange and some Chain Grappling. Yuta applied an arm bar, but Starks managed to back him into the ropes, prompting the referee to call for a clean break. The two competitors then engaged in a Palm Strike Exchange, with Yuta following up with a chop/forearm combination. They found themselves in a slugfest in the corner, with Yuta whipping Starks across the ring and delivering an elbow knockdown. Yuta even slapped Starks in the face and continued with rapid-fire haymakers.

However, Starks turned the tide by dumping Yuta face-first onto the top rope and launching a series of attacks. Starks hit a knee lift, followed by a bodyslam and some stomps on Yuta’s face. He even strutted around the ring, showcasing his confidence. Starks unleashed a flurry of chops and forearms in the corner and then delivered a blistering chop. He applied a wrist lock and executed The Old School maneuver. Starks followed up with a Belly to Back Suplex for a one-count and continued with chops to the back of Yuta’s neck.

Yuta fought back, managing to roll Starks over for a two-count. Yuta utilized a Rolling Crucifix for another two-count. Starks responded with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex and struck a pose in the center of the ring. Yuta reversed out of an Irish whip from Starks, but Starks kicked him in the face. Yuta fought back with an Inverted Atomic Drop and then two flying forearm smashes for a two-count. Yuta ducked a clothesline from Starks and executed a Modified Olympic Slam for another two-count. Yuta applied a double wrist lock, but Starks reached the bottom rope, forcing a break.

Big Bill made his way down to the ringside area during the match. Starks rolled Yuta over for another two-count and caught him in mid-air. Starks dropped Yuta with The Swinging DDT for a two-count. Starks taunted Moxley, which visibly angered Yuta. Yuta responded with a chop/forearm combination, and Starks countered with a Lariat.

Yuta pushed Starks into Big Bill, who caught Yuta in mid-air. However, Yuta managed to avoid The Chokeslam and sent Bill face-first into the steel ring post. Yuta continued with hammer elbows and executed The Seatbelt for a two-count. Starks blocked Yuta’s German Suplex attempt and countered with a Spear. Starks sealed the victory with The Roshambo.

Winner: Ricky Starks, who secured the pinfall victory over Wheeler Yuta.

Match Ratings: B

Seventh match: Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The match kicked off with both wrestlers engaging in a feeling-out process. Danielson was playing mind games with Sabre, and they began with a wrist lock exchange followed by a Test Of Strength.

Danielson whipped Sabre across the ring and then dropped down on the canvas, prompting a Cobra Twist exchange. Danielson rolled Sabre over for a two-count and added a half crab to his arsenal. Sabre quickly transitioned into a Cross-Arm-Breaker, but Danielson responded with The Indian Death Lock. The two competitors engaged in a Double Crab Hold and exchanged submission attempts.

They had a standoff in the center of the ring before Sabre executed a back-heel trip and applied a single-leg crab. Sabre then stood on the back of Danielson’s knees in a Romero Special exchange. Sabre targeted Danielson’s fingers, attempting to bend them and cause pain. He even went for The Bow and Arrow, but Danielson fell on top of him for a one-count. Sabre backed Danielson into the ropes, and the referee called for a clean break.

Sabre delivered an uppercut and talked some smack to Danielson, leading to an uppercut exchange. Sabre wisely went after Danielson’s injured right arm, stomping on it and employing his joint manipulation skills. Sabre even cranked on Danielson’s right arm with his legs and snapped Danielson’s fingers.

Danielson reversed an Irish whip from Sabre and unleashed a drop-toe hold. He applied the single-leg crab and repeatedly kicked Sabre’s left hamstring. Danielson then delivered Two Dragon Screw Leg Whips. Sabre continued to work on Danielson’s arm, cranking on his right elbow and snapping his fingers again. Danielson responded with repeated headbutts and later an Avalanche Butterfly Suplex. He then applied a Triangle Choke, which he transitioned into a single-leg crab with the left arm captured. Sabre managed to reach the bottom rope for a break.

Danielson followed up with his signature YES! Kicks and a Roundhouse Kick. He repeatedly stomped on Sabre’s face but failed to connect with The Busaiku Knee as Sabre blocked it.

They engaged in a European Clutch Exchange and tried Rear Naked Chokes, both of which misfired. Sabre went for another European Clutch for a two-count. Danielson kicked Sabre’s left hamstring and delivered a Corner Dropkick.

Sabre fought back with a drop toe hold and attempted another European Clutch, but Danielson countered with The Cattle Mutilation. Sabre transitioned into The Omoplata and added finger manipulation to increase the pressure. Danielson hyperextended Sabre’s left knee and applied a Heel Hook. During the match, Danielson even spat at Sabre.

They exchanged palm strikes, leg kicks, and uppercuts, leading to a Back Elbow Exchange. Sabre delivered a backslide cover for a two-count and then a PK to Danielson’s right shoulder. Sabre executed The Zack Driver and reapplied The Omoplata. He later transitioned into a double-arm bar, but Danielson managed to reach the bottom rope for another break.

Sabre used clubbing chest kicks and stomped on Danielson’s right elbow. He then delivered two mid-kicks, but Danielson responded with two Roundhouse Kicks of his own. Danielson resumed viciously stomping on Sabre’s face and applied The Cross-Arm-Breaker.

Finally, Danielson connected with The Regal Plex and followed it up with Two Busaiku Knee Strikes to secure the pinfall victory. After the match, Sabre refused to shake Danielson’s hand.

Winner: Bryan Danielson, who emerged victorious over Zack Sabre Jr. in a hard-fought contest of technical wrestling and submission grappling.

Match Ratings: A++

Eighth Match: Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, and Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay, Sammy Guevara, and Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis in their corner) [6-Man Tag Team Match]

The match started with Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay in the ring. They engaged in a Collar and Elbow tie-up, followed by a Wrist Lock Exchange. Omega managed to take Ospreay down with a wrist lock takedown, but Ospreay quickly countered with a leg sweep. Ospreay showcased his agility by leaping over Omega, and Omega avoided a Roundhouse Kick. Sammy Guevara tagged himself in and confidently posed for the crowd. Guevara shoved Omega and played some mind games.

Guevara applied a side headlock on Omega, who reversed the hold. Guevara whipped Omega across the ring, and Omega responded with a shoulder tackle. Guevara dropped down, and Omega dropped him with a shoulder tackle. Guevara then tagged in Ospreay. Jericho, now legal, ducked a clothesline from Ospreay and began lighting up Ospreay’s chest with chops. Ospreay kicked Jericho in the face, but Jericho answered with a blistering chop of his own.

Jericho executed a belly-to-back suplex and applied a front face lock. Jericho then tagged in Omega, and they delivered a Double Vertical Suplex to Ospreay. Omega continued the assault on Ospreay’s neck. A brawl erupted, involving both teams, and they ended up outside the ring with Team Golden Lovers executing triple Pescado dives.

Inside the ring, Takeshita tagged in and squared off against Omega. Takeshita managed to take Omega down with a leaping clothesline. He then applied a rear chin lock. Kota Ibushi interjected himself to confront Takeshita. Takeshita tagged Ospreay back in, and Ospreay connected with a Slingshot Senton. Don Callis’ faction took advantage of the situation, mauling Omega in the corner.

Omega tried to fight back with a flurry of right jabs and grabbed a side wrist lock. Jericho tagged himself in and unleashed a series of knife-edge chops. Guevara was tagged in by Ospreay. Guevara backflipped over Omega and dropkicked him. Guevara taunted Jericho and applied a side headlock, but Jericho reversed the hold. Guevara whipped Omega, who dropped Guevara with a shoulder tackle. Guevara then retreated to the corner and tagged in Ospreay.

Ospreay and Guevara attempted to double-team Omega, but he managed to reverse an Irish whip from Takeshita. Takeshita ducked under two clotheslines from Omega and executed a leaping clothesline. Takeshita then applied a rear chin lock, allowing Ospreay to rest on the apron. Ibushi got in Takeshita’s face, prompting him to tag in Ospreay. Ospreay performed a Handspring Corkscrew Kick on Omega.

The Don Callis Family continued to control the match, with Ospreay targeting Omega. Omega, however, reversed an Irish whip and sent Ospreay to the outside. Omega attempted a MoonSault, but Ospreay got his knees up. Ospreay went on to target Omega’s neck. Guevara tagged in and applied The Cobra Twist, using Don Callis Family (DCF) for leverage.

Omega displayed his fighting spirit, but Guevara stopped him in his tracks. Ospreay was tagged in once more, and he continued to attack Omega’s neck. Ospreay went for The Hidden Blade, but Jericho avoided it. Jericho countered with a Springboard Dropkick. Ospreay punched Jericho, and Omega pulled Ospreay off him. A second brawl erupted, and Ospreay landed Kawada Kicks.

Ospreay chopped Omega, but Omega responded with The Snap Dragon Suplex. Guevara, Takeshita, and Ospreay combined their efforts to take down Omega. Omega recovered and delivered a V-Trigger. Guevara then attempted a Springboard Cutter, which Omega countered with a V-Trigger. Guevara’s Don Callis Family teammates came to his aid, and they continued to beat down Omega.

Ibushi entered the fray with a Mid-Kick and a Kotaro Krusher Combination. Omega tagged in Jericho, and they executed a PowerBomb/German Suplex Combination on Guevara. Jericho applied The Cobra Twist, using Guevara’s family for leverage. Jericho used the Greco-Roman eye poke to maintain control. Jericho then tagged in Ibushi, and they double-teamed Guevara with Double Irish Whips and Double Shoulder Tackles.

Jericho and Omega posed together as the Golden Sex Gods before Ibushi unleashed a Mid-Kick. Ibushi followed up with a Standing MoonSault for a two-count. They continued to double-team Guevara, and Omega hammered down on the back of his neck. Guevara received assistance from Takeshita to make a tag to Ospreay, who entered the match with a flurry of strikes.

Guevara rolled Jericho over for a two-count, but Jericho caught Ospreay with The Judas Effect. Omega delivered a V-Trigger to Takeshita, and Guevara was able to pin Jericho after Don Callis used a baseball bat to interfere.

Winners: Will Ospreay, Sammy Guevara, and Konosuke Takeshita, securing the win after an intense and chaotic 6-Man Tag Team Match.

Match Ratings: B+

Ninth Match: FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs.  Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis) For the AEW World Tag Team Championship

The match began with Dax Harwood and Kyle Fletcher in the ring. They engaged in a Collar and Elbow tie-up, and Fletcher backed Harwood into the turnbuckles. The referee called for a clean break, and they separated. They then had a Hammerlock Exchange before Harwood scored an ankle pick. There was a Side Headlock Exchange, followed by Harwood whipping Fletcher across the ring. Fletcher responded with a shoulder tackle. Another Collar and Elbow tie-up led to a Strong lockup. They continued to exchange holds, including a Wrist Lock Exchange.

Fletcher knocked Harwood off the ring apron, and Harwood rolled back into the ring. Cash Wheeler tagged in, and he and Harwood executed a Drop Toe Hold/Running Elbow Drop Combination for a two-count. Fletcher was bodyslammed by Harwood, and then Davis tagged in. There was a Chop Exchange, and Davis followed up with a bodyslam. He put his knee on Harwood’s chest for a one-count. Davis then applied a chop/corner clothesline combination, slamming Harwood’s head on the top turnbuckle in the process. Davis tagged in Fletcher, and they executed a Second Chop Exchange.

Harwood managed to deliver a Snap Vertical Suplex and followed it up with a Leg Drop for a two-count. Harwood tagged in Wheeler, and they launched a flurry of chops. They went for a Dosey Do Routine and then executed Stereo Corner Mounts. Aussie Open retaliated with Two Sandwich Spots. Fletcher hooked the outside leg for a one-count. He delivered a forearm smash and tagged in Davis. Wheeler was targeted by both members of the Aussie Open, and Davis slapped Harwood’s chest. Davis then bodyslammed Harwood and performed a Senton Splash. He kicked Wheeler in the back before rocking Wheeler with a forearm smash. Davis put his knee on the back of Wheeler’s neck for a one-count. Davis tagged in Fletcher once more.

Fletcher stomped on Wheeler’s back, but Wheeler fought back with chops. Fletcher and Wheeler traded back-and-forth shots. Fletcher reversed out of an Irish whip from Wheeler, who responded with a double-leg takedown. Wheeler slingshotted Fletcher out of the ring. Davis stopped Wheeler in his tracks and dumped him chest-first on the top rope. They executed an Assisted SitOut PowerBomb, but Wheeler kicked out at two. Davis applied a rear chin lock, and Wheeler struggled to escape but eventually made it to his feet. Wheeler slammed Davis’s head onto the top rope and then tagged in Harwood.

FTR continued to dominate, with a flurry of chops, an Inverted Atomic Drop, and a Back Body Drop. Wheeler tagged in, and they executed a Drop Toe Hold/Running Elbow Drop Combination once more. Davis was slammed head-first into the top rope, and then Wheeler and Harwood exchanged quick tags while focusing on Davis. They continued to control Davis, who eventually fought back and attempted to make a tag. Aussie Open cut off Wheeler, but Harwood tagged himself in. They had another Collar and Elbow Tie-Up, but Wheeler rolled Fletcher over for a two-count.

Harwood with The Slingshot Liger Bomb on Fletcher for a two-count. Wheeler tagged himself in once more, and they delivered a flurry of left jabs. They attempted a Double Irish Whip, but Fletcher knocked Harwood off the top turnbuckle. Fletcher with a Flying Boot and a BrainBuster on Wheeler for a two-count. Davis tagged in and executed a Flying Boot on Wheeler. Aussie Open attempted to double-team Wheeler, but he blocked The Corealis. Wheeler was able to execute a Backbody drop to Davis. Harwood tagged in and delivered two German Suplexes. He followed with a Back Body Drop on Davis. Harwood then executed two German Suplexes on Fletcher. FTR connected with The Super Shattering Machine to secure the victory and retain their AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Winners: FTR successfully defended their titles with a hard-fought win against Aussie Open.

Match Ratings: A-

Tenth & Final Match AEW TNT Championship Match: Christian Cage (c) vs. Darby Allin [2-Out-Of-3-Falls]

The contest kicked off with a Collar and Elbow Tie-Up, and Cage managed to back Allin into the turnbuckles. However, the referee intervened, calling for a clean break. Cage displayed a bit of arrogance by pie-facing Allin, but when they locked up again, they reached a stalemate in the corner. Allin teased a palm strike before applying a hammerlock. He followed up with a back heel trip and a top wrist lock, but Cage found relief by placing his foot on the bottom rope.

Cage’s frustration led to him spitting at Allin, who responded with a deep arm drag and an arm-bar. The two engaged in a Wrist Lock Exchange before Allin executed two headlock takedowns. Cage retaliated with heavy body shots, a back elbow smash, and two knife-edge chops. The match grew more intense as Cage unleashed haymakers and even resorted to choking Allin with his boot. Cage took a moment to flex his muscles, but his dominance was short-lived as Allin countered with a Sunset Flip, securing the first pinfall of the match.

Christian Cage took a breather on the outside, but his cockiness got the better of him as he scored a cheap shot in the corner. He continued with two vicious right hands and further choked Allin. Cage even fish-hooked Allin and stood on the back of his neck. The relentless assault continued as Cage repeatedly kicked Allin in the face, punched him in the back, and raked his eyes. Cage then applied the cravate and landed a straight right hand.

However, Allin managed to turn the tide by sending Cage over the top rope and subsequently hitting The CodeRed for a near fall. Allin showcased his high-flying abilities with a SpringBoard Coffin Drop and a Rolling Crucifix, each earning him a two-count. Cage wasn’t one to back down, tossing Allin around the ringside area and repositioning the steel ring steps.

Cage took advantage of his surroundings by executing a Death Valley Driver into the ring steps, ultimately tying the score at 1-1 since Allin was unable to make it back into the ring in time. Medical personnel attended to Allin outside the ring, and Cage decided to remove the padding inside the ring. As Allin was placed on a stretcher, Cage shocked everyone with a Frog Splash onto the stretcher, prompting the referee to intervene. Cage then rolled Allin back into the ring and connected with The KillSwitch on the exposed boards, but Allin miraculously kicked out at two.

With a Scorpion Death Lock applied, Allin reached the bottom rope for a rope break, showing his resilience. He fought back with a palm strike, eye rake, and The Scorpion Death Drop. Allin followed it up with another Coffin Drop for a near fall. Cage, however, had other plans, sweeping Allin’s legs while perched on the top turnbuckle. He continued his assault with clubbing blows to Allin’s back and a Sunset Flip PowerBomb onto the exposed boards.

In an unexpected turn of events, Cage accidentally speared the referee and resorted to a low blow against Allin. Nick Wayne, an unexpected presence, handed Cage the TNT Title. Cage pleaded for mercy, but Wayne struck Allin with the title, allowing Cage to secure the victory

Winner: Christian Cage retained his AEW TNT Championship with a 2-1 score.

Match Ratings: A++

After the match, Christian Cage and Nick Wayne joined forces to attack Darby Allin, but Sting intervened. Sting unleashed a back fist on Wayne and engaged in a brawl with Cage. Despite the odds stacked against him, Sting persevered until Adam Copeland (f.k.a Edge in WWE), making his AEW debut, came to his aid. Copeland unleashed two Spears and stood tall alongside Sting and Allin, closing the show on a triumphant note.

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